So, what does that mean for advertisers? It means you phone number database need to have a plan and you need to start preparing now if you haven’t already - we’re going to help you do both of those things right now whether you sell on Amazon or not. I covered a lot of phone number database basics in my blog post ahead of last year’s Prime Day event that are still relevant thi s phone number database year, and you should check that out .
Don’t Take Yourself Out of The Game by Not Allocating phone number database Enough Dollars to Prime Day If you’ve paid attention to Prime Day the last couple of years, you know that Amazon site traffic is no joke, and there hasn’t been a Prime Day yet that didn’t at least phone number database temporarily crash the site, despite what is likely an immense amount of preparation from Amazon.
That being said, if advertisers don’t budget for the inevitable phone number database increase in click traffic (which will likely come even if you don’t run a promotion), you will be phone number database leaving money on the table for your business. Here’s what ad click traffic and sales per click looked like during last year’s event. 2018 Amazon Prime Day Ad Clicks and SPC If your program is budget constrained, we strongly recommend prioritizing dollars for the Prime Day timeframe.